Sunday, May 13, 2007

Moral Decay

What is the commonality of abortion, premarital sex, drug use, homosexuality, and deception? Some may say there is none. I, on the other hand, believe they are all examples of moral decay. The world’s moral decay is a result of people loosing sight of the big picture. I use the following questions to shape my conclusion, “What would be the result if everyone participated in this action” and “What would be the result if no one participated in this action?” This should serve as a simple template for determining what a true moral principle is.

I can already hear the naysayers attacking the logic of these two questions. They say, “People are unique. They have different life experiences, thoughts and feelings that influence their morals. You couldn’t possibly believe that all people would act in one particular way.” For one, morals are principles. They cannot be influenced. You are either aligned with them or you are not. Second, it is likely true that all people will not act in a particular way, but just because they won’t doesn’t mean they can’t or shouldn’t.

Humanity is collectively moving toward one of the two moral polar opposites, goodness or wickedness. We are either improving or digressing. There is no safe middle ground. If this isn’t obvious then the big picture is being missed, which is why we are in the predicament we are in. We’ll start with abortion.

What would be the result if everyone participated in abortion? Need I even answer? Procreation and eventually life would cease to exist. Now, what would be the result if no one participated in abortion? What about homosexuality? What would the results be? What about deceit? What would be the result if everyone were deceitful? Imagine the impact it would have on relationships, families, economies, and cultures.

Now flip the tables. Rather than looking at the affect of living or not living according to bad morals, look at the affect of living according to good morals. What would the results be? Imagine if every man and women in the world, either married, or sought to be married, did not have sex till marriage, was totally committed and faithful in marriage, respected life and the procreative power, was honest, and did not use illegal substances? The outcome would be magnificent. Crime would plummet, families would prosper, schools would flourish and countries and economies would thrive. This concept is an ideal, but it is our ideals that define us and define what we become.

1 comment:

Benn said...

What about the right to discriminate? What would the world look like if everyone were allowed to discriminate? Should the government dictate who can and cannot discriminate and against whom one can discriminate?