Customer Message:
I own one of the many espresso drive thrus in
I realize that fuel prices have gone up, which translates into more costs for shipping goods to
I am not the only small business who is complaining. I believe that Sam's will feel the decrease of business if prices continue to sky rocket. But then, that's your problem, right?
Check my record. I spend a lot of money for a small business, at Sam's. I am disgruntled, frustrated, and do NOT want to start using powdered milk. DO SOMETHING to make this more equitable. My local Sam's says they can do nothing, that I have to write to the main office.
And so I have. I don't want a generic, computerized response. I want to know what Sam's is going to do about dairy prices? If Safeway, Costco, and Wal-Mart can beat your prices, what does that say?
Thank you,
A Frustrated Customer
Dear Frustrated,
Thanks so much for sharing your concern with us. You can rest assured you are not receiving a generic computerized response. We appreciate small business owners like you, especially when they shop at Sam's Club! We know how hard you work, how much low prices mean to you, and how Sam's Club performs affects your business in a very real way.
As I read your note I extracted two main concerns: 1) increasing milk prices and 2) competitors having lower prices than Sam's Club. These two concerns may seem like one and the same, but in fact they are different and distinct as I explain later. From your note I also extracted that you're an astute businesswoman who understands business and the costs of doing business. Hopefully my responses will resolve your two main concerns.
Increasing gas prices are impacting dairy prices indirectly but are not the driving factor. A major drought in
At the same time, because of increasing prices of gas, people are looking for alternative methods of fuel like ethanol, which is made of corn. As the demand for corn increases faster than the supply of corn increases, the price of corn increases. Corn is the main source of feed for dairy farmers' cows. The increasing corn costs for farmers is making dairy farming too expensive for some farmers, forcing them to reduce their herds or to leave the dairy farming business altogether. Overall American supply of milk is being reduced.
Increasing demand for American milk, coupled with a decreasing supply of American milk is raising milk prices throughout the entire
Even though we don't control the playing field we do control how we play the game. In other words Sam's Club can control its prices compared to the other retailers in town. Our philosophy is to be the lowest price in town ceteris paribus (all other things being equal). Our computer system shows the milk prices at your club to be $2.99 for skim, $3.29 for 2%, and $3.50 for Vitamin D. Our system also shows Fred Meyer has skim, 2%, and vitamin D for $3.50 a gallon. Costco is selling two gallons of skim for $5.99 ($2.995 a gallon), two gallons of 2% for $6.59 ($3.295 a gallon), and two gallons of vitamin D for $6.99 ($3.495 a gallon). As you can see we are very competitive.
Thanks again for your concern. I am really happy you're a member at Sam's and choose to buy from us for your business. As a businessperson I understand the importance of time and money, and I assure you we're trying to save you time and money. I, with you, am hoping dairy prices come down soon but the forecasts I've seen estimate milk prices to increase for the next three months. If you have any more questions or feel the need to discuss anything I've mentioned you can call me at 479-277-8089.
Benn Manning
1 comment:
What a fun letter to respond to. I hope you are able to get these often. Overall I thought your response was great. Because I don't think you are just looking for kudos I also have a few critiques.
I'll start with the good. I like that you acknowledged her being an astute small business owner and showed appreciation for her patrionage. I think this shows her you are not condescending.
The next thing I liked is that you broke her concern down into two main points and answered them directly. I think that is just good communication.
The last thing that I liked is your "playing field" analogy. You took a common analogy and added how the game is played on that field. This was creative and easy to understand.
Now for the bad. I thought the following sentence excerpt didn't read well,"...and how Sam's Club performs affects your business in a very real way...". Using "performance" rather than "performs" may make it read better.
The other thing that caught my eye was, "Our computer system shows the milk prices..." I remember in a high school writing class we learned in a situation like this a customer doesn't care what "your" system says, she cares what she perceives her prices to be. Maybe if you said, "After researching milk prices in your area we found..."
I did like that you were upfront, but respectful and kindly gave her the facts. Well done.
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